New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Libra

Shelby Bundy

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Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow upon our world. Unlike a lunar eclipse, where the Moon turns a reddish hue, a solar eclipse cloaks the Sun in darkness, symbolizing moments of reflection and the emergence of hidden aspects within ourselves.

This solar eclipse takes place during the Libra New Moon. Libra, the harmonious zodiac sign ruled by Venus, embodies grace, diplomacy, and a longing for balance. Ruled by the element of Air, Libra's intellectual and communicative nature encourages us to navigate conflicts and relationships with fairness and understanding. The New Moon in Libra calls for introspection, challenging us to harmonize the scales of our inner selves.

The New Moon signifies new beginnings, planting seeds for growth, and initiating fresh chapters in our lives. This lunar phase inspires us to set intentions, release what no longer serves us, and embrace transformative energies. During a solar eclipse, the intensified darkness amplifies the New Moon's transformative potential, urging us to confront our shadows and unlock untapped potential.

New Moons encourage change, whereas eclipses dismantle and force change. They are The Tower in tarot and bring to light areas of life where the status quo is no longer acceptable.

The alignment of this new moon & eclipse pulls our attention toward relationships and self-awareness. It challenges us to explore the dynamics within our connections, examining how we give and receive love, support, and understanding. Whether it be romantic partnerships, friendships, or family bonds, this eclipse invites us to reevaluate and find equilibrium.

This is a time for self-reflection and introspection. As the shadows deepen, we are invited to acknowledge and release old patterns, fears, and insecurities. By facing these aspects of ourselves, we can emerge stronger and more balanced, paving the way for personal growth and transformation. There is always shadow work to be done and this cosmic weather is here for it.

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